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I. Twelfthly Conjure: The imaginative conjuring up of thematic material twelve times evokes musically the idea of a magic ritual.


II. Night Spell: The piano’s unceasing stream of repeated semiquavers creates a hypnotic surface upon which the cello’s singing line sways about in a dream-like fashion. The vocal melody of the cello constantly evolves in shape and register, gathering momentum and tension, as if casting a spell. Written for English cellist, Oliver Coates, Night Spell has been performed extensively throughout the UK and recorded by Australian cellist David Pereira for Tall Poppies.


III. The Exile of Paracelsus: The melancholic melody is inspired by the wanderings of Swiss-born Renaissance physician and alchemist, Paracelsus (1493-1541). He led a life that ‘knew no anchor’, constantly journeying from place to place and called by some Lutherus medicorum, the Luther of physicians. He believed that the virtue of alchemy lay in its potential to cure disease rather than forge gold, and he is recognised today as a precursor to modern pharmacology. Paracelsus died a modest itinerant. ‘A restless wanderer for whom the earth was but a place of sorrow – such is the figure of Paracelsus as he is known to us’, stated the psychologist Jolande Jacobi.


Night Spell was premiered by Oliver Coates and Jeremy Eskenazi in 2006 at Kent College Pembury, Tunbridge Wells, and in the Holywell Music Room, Oxford, UK, in a concert sponsored by Oxford University Music Society. Three Magic Pieces was premiered in its entirety by Thomas Rann and Jeremy Eskenazi in 2013 at the Independent Theatre, Sydney, Australia.

Three Magic Pieces (for cello and piano)

  • PDF includes full cello and piano score, plus separate cello part. Advanced level. Duration 16 minutes. Total 36 pages. NB. All PDF or ZIP downloads are sent to the email address linked to the PayPal account used for purchase.

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